I'm Taiye Ogunlade,
a Software Engineer.



I'am Taiye Ogunlade

Currently, I'm pursuing a Master's Degree in Computer Science at University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) where my course modules are focused on large scale application development and enterprise architecture, i have 4 years plus of experience in Software Engineering. I have worked across a couple of sectors from Data Capture and Financial Sector. I have also worked on various apps such as iClocker, Bioregistra, Velox(now Cupid) and Remitly App. I strive for technical excellence and a good user experience. I am passionate about technology and want to learn something new everyday. My objective is to work in a talented Software Engineering Architec and team player where my skillset adds value to operations of the company and where I can grow as an individual.


Profesional Skills

Link below shows few of my professional skills

Android Development
Software Engineering Principles and Design Patterns
Material Design
Java Spring Boot
Javascript React
Kotlin Coroutine
Jetpack and Architecture Components
Unit Testing with JUnit and Mockito


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